Integrate your existing codebase and tech stack with Supervisely via API and SDK to automate workflow.
$ curl -H "x-api-key: <token-here>" \
"total": 12,
"perPage": 2,
"pagesCount": 6,
"entities": [
"id": 1,
"workspaceId": 1,
"name": "lemon",
"type": "images",
"description": "ts12",
"size": "861069",
"status": "ready"
for dataset in cloned_project:
print("Dataset: ",
for item_name in dataset:
ann_path = dataset.get_ann_path(item_name)
ann = sly.Annotation.load_json_file(ann_path, cloned_project.meta)
# Apply the filtering to find the labels to be retained.
# Only keep Polygon labels with large enough area.
retained_labels = [
label for label in ann.labels
if isinstance(label.geometry, sly.Polygon) and label.geometry.area > 120000]
# Make a copy of the original annotation, but only keep
# retained_labels there.
ann_filtered = ann.clone(labels=retained_labels)
# Update the annotation on disk.
dataset.set_ann(item_name, ann_filtered)
Over 220 methods to retrieve, update and extract any information from the platform and even:
Not just another wrapper for API: Supervisely SDK covers every aspect of development, including:
We polish our API and SDK not only because we need a way for our awesome community and customers to extend Supervisely and integrate it with existing workflows — everything from the core functionality like labeling toolboxes to Supervisely Apps is built with those toolkits.
With that you can be sure that every idea you might come up with can be easily done in Supervisely with the help of SDK and API.
Constantly growing ecosystem of hundreds of ready-to-use apps that extend and add new functionality.
Learn about EcosystemA fully customizable AI infrastructure, deployed on cloud or your servers with everything you love about Supervisely, plus advanced security, control, and support.
Start 30 days free trial➔Supervisely provides first-rate experience since 2017, longer than most of computer vision platforms over there.
Join community of thousands computer vision enthusiasts and companies of every size that use Supervisely every day.
Our online version has over a 220 million of images and over a billion of labels created by our great community.
Speak with people who are on the same page with you. An actual data scientist will:
Get accurate training data on scale with expert annotators, ML-assisted tools, dedicated project manager and the leading labeling platform.
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